+ + ACTION: ** Buy 1 sniffing tool and get 1 x Schnüffelis for free! + +


You look after your beloved dog, you take care of its wellbeing in a loving, cautious and foresighted manner. In addition to tons of love, good food and appropriate exercise, a basic hygiene is also very important.

If it were possible, you would forever shield your dog from discomfort and pain. To maintain reactivity in the rare case an emergency does occur, certain preparation is necessary. For example: There is a first aid kit for humans in every car. Why not put a first aid kit for your dog, as well? And the DRB Dog Rescue Blanket by KNAUDER’S BEST will even fit in your pocket.

In stock
Item weight:
0,10 kg
19,90 € *
Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays
In stock
Item weight:
0,04 kg
15,95 € *
Available immediately
Delivery time: 1 - 2 Workdays

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